drop me a line for a writing sample...


2017   "ROUGH", TV drama series for Old House Entertainment, pilot and epsiode overview

2017  'Der Sex der anderen" // 'Other people's sex", Web-Serie for Turbokultur, Exposé, in development

2016   "Drive Now", feature film, comedy, Dir: Sanela Salketic, DDFB, in pre-production

2015   "It's Complicated", feature film, family dramedy, Prod: Johanna Bergel, in development

2014    "Aztec Wedding“ feature film, dark rom-com, in development with post.script Entertainment, L.A:

2013    "321 Seins“ TV dramedy (9 x 45mins), developped for Sat 1

            Co-writers: Sebastian Bleyl, Dorothea Nölle, Ilinca Florian                                                 

2012    "Dickicht“ (Thicket), feature film, screenplay, DFFB, w/ MO'Films, Dir: D. Houwer

2011     "Short ('5), arte/dffb, D: D. Houwer, Premiered at Filmfest Hof

2005    "Boarderline Syndrom" Doc ('15) Filmfest Dresden, ZKM Karlsruhe "Coolhunters"





Additionally, here is a sample of my copy writing. On request, I am happy to send you other work samples of ghost writing and translations of director's Interpretations and exposés.

Copy writing for Wendla Nölle, directing a spot for BSR (Berlin's city cleaning company)