Freddi Gralle in the press
Ditching Church for Comedy
BROADWAY BABY. As any pastor’s daughter would, German comedian Freddi Gralle finds humour in the rather bizarre chapters of her evangelical upbringing. Her parents were missionaries in Sierra Leone, then moved to the German hinterlands. Today, the stand-up tells us all about how she turned preaching into punchlines.
ZDF-Reihe "Heroes" Was braucht gute Comedy? Was verbindet sie mit Religion? Die Berliner Stand-Up-Künstlerin Freddi Gralle und ihr Vorbild Serdar Somuncu.
Fringe Review: Church Girl, Interrupted
Recommenced Show. Freddi was born into her religion and from there began a journey which you might say was preordained. Freddi is from Berlin but was toured round many parts of the world by her missionary parents.